Question 1:
I am a 26-year-old male interested in a girl from a good family whom I wish to marry. However, she is only 13 years old, making her significantly younger than me.
I would like to know if it is morally appropriate to be attracted to her and propose marriage, considering this age difference. Additionally, from a social and religious perspective, is such a relationship acceptable?
Islam emphasizes seeking a woman’s consent for marriage, but how can a young girl like this make an informed decision? What is the Islamic stance on such cases?
Answer 1:
Question 2:
Why does Islam permit marriage to young girls under the age of 10 without their consent, when marriages generally require both parties to have a certain level of maturity? How can this ruling be justified in light of the need for thoughtful decision-making in marriage?
Answer 2:
Question 3:
Why are there verses in the Quran referring to marrying young girls, but people don't talk about them openly and only teach selective information?
Answer 3:
Question 4:
I’ve been friends with a man for about four years, and we plan to marry soon. However, he is still studying and has no income, while I am working and can financially support us. Our parents believe the husband should provide for his wife. Should we wait until he finds a job or marry now to make our relationship halal?
Answer 4:
Question 5:
My uncle's Nikah was performed by my grandfather when my uncle was only 7 or 8 years old. His married life began much later, around the age of 25. It was customary among some Indian Muslims to conduct such early childhood marriages. Are these Nikahs valid?
Answer 5:
Question 6:
I am 19 years old and wish to get married soon due to personal challenges in the current environment. Despite discussing with my parents, they insist on waiting until I complete my education, which will take two more years. I pray regularly, perform sunnah and nafl prayers, and engage in zikr, yet I struggle to maintain myself and seek immediate marriage. Could you suggest a dua or wazifah to help bring marriage closer?
Answer 6:
Question 7:
Does the delay in marriage relate to al-qada’ wa’l-qadar (divine decree)? I am a girl who fears Allah and prays regularly, yet marriage has been delayed. Very few proposals have come, and the men who have proposed mostly lack religious commitment. I’m worried if this delay is due to my sins or if it’s part of Allah’s plan. I seek peace in knowing the answer.
Answer 7:
Question 8:
I am 35 years old and facing difficulties in marriage due to high dowries and lack of money. I fear I might fall into sin like zina, as there are limited halal options. My country does not offer halal means for financial support, and I do not want to take a loan from a bank. Is it permissible for me to take a bank loan to build a house and get married? Please advise.
Answer 8:
Question 9:
What should someone do if they have high sexual desires but don't act on them? It's distracting, with constant thoughts in the mind. They want to get married, but their parents have high expectations and want them to become someone first before considering marriage.
Answer 9:
Question 10:
I'm a 23-year-old woman living in the West, and a few years ago I expressed my desire to get married. My mother has been trying to find a suitor through an elderly respected Muslim in the community, but we haven’t found anyone suitable. I’ve asked my mother to allow me to use halal matrimony sites with a wali, and I’ve already found potential matches online, but she refuses, believing it’s shameful. She’s also too busy to help find someone for me. She rejects anyone who isn’t Arab, even if they are religious. My father and brothers aren’t supportive, and I feel like I’ll never find a suitable spouse due to her rules. I feel sad because I wanted to marry early, but time is passing, and many of my friends have married secretly. How can I convince my mother to support my decision to search for a spouse online?
Answer 10: