Question 1
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,
Before marriage, it is customary for brides to apply mehndi (henna) on their hands. What is the ruling of this practice in Shariah? Additionally, is there any Islamic basis for holding pre-wedding mehndi gatherings for women?
Answer 1
Question 2
Is it permissible for a bride-to-be to host a mehndi party before the wedding if all Islamic guidelines such as pardah (modesty), no music, and absence of haram activities are observed?
Answer 2
Question 3
I married a Pakistani Muslim three years ago. My father handled the wedding arrangements, and at the time, I was distant from Islam. The celebrations included music, dancing, and other customs common in Pakistani weddings but rooted in non-Islamic traditions. However, the nikah itself was conducted according to Islamic principles with witnesses, a wali, and Quran recitations.
I performed Umrah two years ago and was becoming a practicing Muslim, but I have since struggled to maintain my prayers. I feel ashamed and seek guidance on returning to the deen. Additionally, my father set a haq mehr of £500, which has yet to be given to my wife. Does this affect the validity of my marriage?
I have been married for three years and have a daughter who is almost two years old. Jazak'Allah khair for your advice.
Answer 3
Question 4
Are functions like mehndi, saanchak, and manje permissible during marriage? If not, are they completely haram or just undesirable? Could you kindly explain with references from the Quran and Hadith?
Answer 4
Question 5
I am getting married soon and have two questions:
1.  Is it permissible to have a Henna event? It will be a gathering of only women where they will apply henna on their hands, and food will be served.
2.  There is a tradition where the bride's sisters hide the groom's shoes, and he must give them an agreed sum of money to retrieve them. Is this practice permissible?
Answer 5
Question 6
My sister is getting married soon, and we plan to organize all the events in accordance with the Sunnah. However, I would like to throw her a bridal party since everything else will be simple. I understand that in the Sunnah, the bride's side does not have a party, but I would like to give her that special moment. This party will not be a bridal shower; it will simply be a get-together with some of her friends, close relatives, and a few in-laws. There will be no requirement to bring gifts, and I will arrange snacks and a few games. My question is, does this party go against the Sunnah? My father isn't in favor of it, as he believes we should avoid anything that isn't from the Sunnah. Is it wrong to hold such a party, and if not, how can I convince my father?
Answer 6
Question 7
1.  Is it permissible to host a khatam (before a wedding) with lunch and tea, inviting family and friends?
2.  Is a mehndi function allowed in Islam?
Answer 7
Question 8
Is it ok to host or attend functions like:
1.  Mehndi
2.  Manje/Haldi
3.  Jumagi
4.  Anniversaries (Marriage or Death)
Sometimes by not attending, we might cause problems within the family and damage relationships. Is it better to attend?
Answer 8
Question 9
I have to attend some Muslim weddings, and I have seen the groom and bride being rubbed with turmeric paste. Is this allowed in Islam? Since this is a practice done in the Hindu religion.
Answer 9
Question 10
1.  Is dancing allowed at weddings?
2.  Is it permissible for Muslims to hold a mehndi function?
Answer 10