Question 1
My husband and I are separated because he said talaq to me in anger. He has been trying to reconcile, but my family was initially against it. After a lot of explaining, they have now agreed, but it has been three months, meaning three menstrual cycles have passed. Is my iddah period over? How should we go about it? Can we still get back together?
Answer 1
Question 2
My father has recently passed away. He used to live with my mother-in-law at a house owned by my brother. Where should she observe her Iddah, knowing that she has no Mahrams? If my brother wanted his house back, is she allowed to continue her Iddah at another house? Also, is she entitled to the furniture since most of it was gifted to my father and it isn’t part of her bridal gift (Mahr)?
Answer 2
Question 3
When does the iddat of a woman start – as soon as her husband passes away or after he is buried?
Answer 3
Question 4
My mother is observing Iddah because my father has passed away. Is it permissible that she leaves the house to check on her sick mother?
Answer 4
Question 5
I have a very serious problem to discuss. My husband divorced me thrice (verbally) in one sitting just 4 months ago. I am a working lady. I feel very ashamed that I did not strictly follow the rules of iddah as prescribed by Shariah. Though I did not indulge in any immoral activity or contract marriage with anyone during my iddah, I went outside the house due to my job and other reasons. I feel guilty today as I’ve learned about the rules of iddah and realize I deviated from them. I have repented and asked Allah for forgiveness. The iddah period is now over. What should I do to correct my past mistake? Do I need to observe iddah again? Can I marry someone else now? Is my second marriage permissible in Islam?
Answer 5
Question 6
If the husband expires on 1st Shawwal at 08:30 am, when will the iddah time be completed for his widow? Please clarify the following:
1.  Will the counting start from the day of death (1st Shawwal) or the next day (2nd Shawwal)?
2.  Is the four-month period counted according to the Islamic lunar calendar, or simply calculated as 30 days per month?
3.  If the iddah completes on 11th Safar, will the timing of the completion be based on the exact time of the husband's death, or after Fajr prayers/start of the next day?
Answer 6
Question 7
My husband divorced me for the third time, but I am pregnant and really wish to fix things with him. I was told by someone with a PhD in Islam that he can take me back during iddah. Is this true?
Answer 7
Question 8
My husband has divorced me, and I would like to ask: If I wanted to spend the night during my iddah (waiting period observed by a woman after divorce or death of her husband) at my brother’s, sister’s, maternal uncle’s, or any of my other relatives’ homes, is that permissible, or should I spend it only at my parents’ house?
Answer 8
Question 9
My question is about iddah. My husband and I have been separated for one year, and he has not contacted me during this time. He also did not give me my mahr or nafqa, and he never issued a talaq. Recently, his lawyer in Australia sent me a divorce application, and I have also requested khula in Pakistan. Both countries' courts have granted divorce to us. Can you please tell me the period of iddah for me?
Answer 9
Question 10
As salaamu ‘alaykum.Mufti Saab,I know that you explained ‘idda on your program on Sunday, but can I please have it in writing? A lot of my family members cannot seem to accept what I am telling them, so if I can have something to show them as proof that Mufti Waseem said this, it would be greatly appreciated. Await your soonest response. Jazaak Allaah Khair.
Answer 10