Question 1
Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
I recently received a marriage proposal from someone who possesses the qualities I’ve been seeking. However, I find myself questioning his physical appearance, specifically his dark complexion, as I’ve always preferred lighter skin. Could you explain the importance of physical attraction in Islam? If I accept this proposal and face criticism, how should I respond? Would it be wise to accept him for the sake of Allah, even if I am not initially attracted to his complexion?
Answer 1
Question 2
I have found a spouse who is a good match for me, Alhamdulillah. However, he is from a different culture, and while I appreciate the beauty of interracial and intercultural marriages, I am afraid of how my family, especially my parents, might react. My brother is a mufti, and there are examples of intercultural marriages in my community, but I worry my family might feel differently when it comes to their own. How can I overcome my fear and confidently approach my family about this?
Answer 2
Question 3
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
Is it true that two rak‘at performed by a married person are better than seventy rak‘at performed by an unmarried person? Could you provide the sources for this? Additionally, could you elaborate on some of the benefits that marriage provides?
Answer 3
Question 4
Assalamu Alaikum, my name is Mohamed. I am a Sunni Muslim from Tunisia. I met a woman on Facebook from Trinidad who is Hindu. I like her and want to marry her in a halal Islamic marriage following the standards of Islam and Sunnah. She is willing to accept Islam. I seek your advice and help. Jazak Allah khair.
Answer 4
Question 5
Assalamualaikum. A year ago, I received a marriage proposal from a man of good character who is pious and a Hafiz and Alim (Person A). After a year of deliberation and Istikhara, I decided to accept the proposal. However, when I informed my mother, she said circumstances had changed, and she no longer wanted me to marry him, claiming that he had been looking for other women to marry. Instead, she suggested my cousin as a potential spouse. My heart is set on Person A, and I have no feelings for my cousin. It has been months, and I still feel Person A is the right choice for me, but my mother and aunt oppose the idea. Why can’t I make this decision for myself? What should I do?
Answer 5
Question 6
Is it permissible in Islam to proceed with marriage without having pre-existing feelings for the prospective spouse, provided there is mutual satisfaction and agreement? What if one party is attached while the other is indifferent due to lack of background knowledge? Additionally, is it allowed for a prospective couple to see each other or have discussions before marriage to gain knowledge about one another? Please provide evidence from the Quran or hadith.
Answer 6
Question 7
I am an 18-year-old who fears falling into the sin of zina. I’ve discussed this with my parents, but they advise me to resist and wait until I finish my studies, which may take another five years. I proposed performing nikah now and living separately until I am financially independent, but they don’t agree. I respect my parents, but I feel marriage would protect my imaan. How should I approach this? How do I propose to someone in an Islamic way, and what are the permissible limits of communication before marriage?
Answer 7
Question 8
I’m a young man in my second last year of college. I would like to get engaged by the end of this year and, inshaAllah, married by the end of my last year of college or after graduation. I live in a European country, where temptations are abundant, but I wish to take the Halal means, inshaAllah. Should I get the Nikaah contract done early in college and then move in with my wife once I graduate and get a job, or should I wait until I graduate and secure a job before taking any steps?
Answer 8
Question 9
Why Same Religion in a Marriage is Important
Answer 9
Question 10
My respected elders have accused me of having a false understanding of marriage in Islam and say that my teaching is incorrect. Their belief is that Rasool Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) encouraged marriage within the family before looking elsewhere. Is there any basis for this?
Answer 10