Question 1
Assalaamualkum w.w.Maulana sb,I have going through a lot in my marriage. I have been married for 4 years and have tried everything to keep this marriage alive. Both families are quite active in the tablighi effort. Last year, I took her out for 40 days, and this year, alhumdulillah, we both performed Hajj. We quarrel over small things, and the matter flares up. Every time she threatens to leave with our child. I feel constantly put down and can’t say anything to her. She left one day without telling me. I haven’t spoken to her in more than two months, and my son is suffering. What is the punishment for a woman who does this? How can we reconcile? Please advise.
Answer 1
Question 2
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,Mufti Sahib, We are only married for 4 months, but I am having many endless fights and arguments with my husband. On small issues, such huge altercations erupt, that we end not talking for days. This is really getting to me, I am beginning to get so stressed out. To be honest, I love my husband a lot, and want to make this marriage work. Please, Mufti, please guide me. Please mention to me solutions on how we can have a blissful marriage? What duas can I recite?Jazakallah
Answer 2
Question 3
Aslamu Alaikum,What are the best duas for enhancing barakah and protection in your marriage, specifically to increase love and respect between husband and wife for your whole life?I know there is good guidance on the roles of the husband and wife, but I was just wondering if there are any specific authentic duas or advice on increasing love and respect between spouses, and reducing marital arguments and conflicts? Also, is there any dua or guidance for gaining trust between spouses?
Answer 3
Question 4
Assalam Alaikum,My daughter is of marriageable age, and we have been trying to find a suitable match for her for the past 2 years. Many proposals have come, but nothing has worked out so far—everything stops in the very initial stages. Please suggest a dua or guidance on what we should do. Also, kindly provide the best dua for marriage. Thank you.
Answer 4
Question 5
I am a 30-year-old practicing Muslim girl. I have been struggling with marriage for 11 years. My parents have been trying, but all in vain. People often reject me because of my looks. I am happy with how Allah has made me, but I am starting to feel disheartened. People have suggested it might be due to jinn, magic, or bad eye, but I don't believe in such things except Allah’s will. We have tried all kinds of duas, but nothing has changed. What should I do? Am I destined to remain single forever?
Answer 5
Question 6
I noticed a sister in my college who came to pray every obligatory prayer during lecture breaks. I found it attractive. Since then, I started supplicating to Allah in this way:“Ya Allah, I am impressed by this girl and if it is beneficial to me in my future, then grant me the chance to marry her.”I have not talked about this to this girl, and she also left the college. I have kept this a secret agreement between me and Allah. Is this correct?
Answer 6
Question 7
I am interested in marrying my friend, but I have no idea whether he likes me or not. I used to pray to Allah to stop having feelings for this man. It worked for a short time, but now the feelings are back, and I don’t understand why. I admire his piety and admirable qualities, and I found myself praying to Allah to make me his wife. Is there any specific prayer to make someone want to marry you?
Answer 7
Question 8
I have always said that I would want a wife with good Islamic values who is intelligent and kind. Recently, I have been having these urges to get married as soon as possible, and I am afraid that I might make the wrong choice. I am attracted to beautiful girls; however, I am aware that beauty isn't everything. Is there something I can read to assist me in having patience for the right girl to come along and in making the right decision?
Answer 8
Question 9
My husband and I have gone through many hurdles in our marriage. Even law enforcement was involved. I left him because his abuse got very bad with me. But now I am reconsidering it for the sake of our baby and as my husband is asking to forgive him a second time. I am thinking of giving our marriage another chance for the sake of Allah, that we don’t break our family apart because every child needs both mother’s and father’s love equally. I love him so much, and so does he, but I don’t know what happens suddenly and he becomes very aggressive towards me. He blames me that my talking makes him upset because when I get upset with him I may say things like that he failed to fulfill my rights and the rights of our child, e.g., supporting us financially and that he wasn’t present to take his responsibility. These things make him very upset. Now so much has happened between both of us and we have cried and suffered a lot. I have decided not to say stuff in the future that makes him upset, just be quiet when I get upset with him. Right now, we are living separately and he wants me to be back with him as he claims to miss me and our baby. Now my husband has a house for us to live together, and he is doing fine to take care of his responsibility as a husband and a father. I am a little scared of him and wanted to know any du’aa or Islamic ruling. I am making many du’aas to Allah to guide me in this decision. We both had done Istikhara before marriage.
Answer 9
Question 10
I have been married for 15 years. Recently, due to a financial problem, my husband has distanced himself from me, saying that it’s stress-related. We are hardly together as a married couple should be. Please, if there’s a dua that I could read that would soften him and let us have the relationship we once had. I strongly believe in reading my duas daily, but I’m not sure of anyone in specific.
Answer 10