Question 1
Can I marry the girl I committed zina with? Is it obligatory for her to repent before we get married?
Answer 1
Question 2
I read that some Islamic scholars say it's permissible for a man to marry again if he can maintain another wife, but if not, he should divorce the first wife if she's infertile. Is this ruling compassionate, especially considering the Prophet's (peace be upon him) teachings?
Answer 2
Question 3
I received a marriage proposal from someone who, ten years ago, touched my mother's hand with lustful intentions, but immediately repented. Is our marriage permissible?
Answer 3
Question 4
Is it true that one shouldn't get married between the two 'Eids?
Answer 4
Question 5
What rights does my non-Muslim mother have in choosing my spouse? Will marrying someone from a different race cause conflicts with my family? What potential conflicts can arise in interracial marriages?
Answer 5
Question 6
If my sister suckled her sister's baby only once, does this make the baby her foster-child, and thus prohibited for marriage?
Answer 6
Question 7
Don't the following reasons justify living together and having sexual intercourse before marriage?
To see each other in different life circumstances.
To ensure sexual compatibility.
Answer 7
Question 8
I'm in love with a girl and we've been talking on the phone for over a year. We've discussed marriage, but our parents are unaware. Is it permissible for me to continue talking to her, and would it break my fast?
Answer 8
Question 9
I'm a Muslim woman who cannot have children. I want to get married and adopt. Is it wrong for me to want this, and how can I find a suitable Muslim spouse?
Answer 9
Question 10
How should we treat two sisters who are living with the same man, claiming they both made Nikah with him, which is against Islamic law?
Answer 10