Question 1
I have met a woman of a different religion at work, and after getting to know each other, we wish to marry. I’ve explained that in our home, certain rules must be followed—such as no alcohol or pork and only halal food allowed. Additionally, if we have children, they will be raised as Muslims. She has agreed to these terms without issue and has no objections to Islam, though she wishes to remain a Christian. However, she was raised Buddhist before converting to Christianity five years ago. Will our nikkah be valid? Please clarify. Thank you.
Answer 1
Question 2
Many of my friends have married Christians and Jews. I was always told that Muslims should marry only within their faith. What is the Islamic stance on marrying Christians or Jews?
Answer 2
Question 3
My son wants to marry a Christian girl in December. They already have a child together. She says she is not ready to accept Islam but is open to marrying in a Muslim way when the time feels right. I told him this is not what I wanted, but I also know I cannot force her to change her religion. Is it permissible for them to have a nikah? How should I approach this situation?
Answer 3
Question 4
I am a Christian man deeply in love with a Muslim woman. I encourage her to practice her faith as she has been taught, and I wish to marry her. However, I fear the consequences on her soul. Much of what I have researched suggests that such a marriage is not permissible, due to the challenges of raising children in a different faith or the potential for the non-Muslim husband to influence her beliefs negatively. I would like to clarify that this will not be the case in our situation because: 1. I would never interfere with her beliefs. 2. It is impossible for us to have children.
Given these circumstances, would it be permissible for us to marry?
Answer 4
Question 5
I have met a Christian woman at work with very good character, and while I avoid dating, I’ve found myself attracted to her. She may not even be interested in marrying me or converting to Islam. I have low self-confidence, which I feel needs to improve before considering marriage. I work with her a lot, and I want advice on how to reduce my attraction. Is marriage the solution?
Answer 5
Question 6
Is it true that some companions considered marrying women of the Book haraam? Are the following narrations authentic?
It is narrated that Umar (R.A) wrote another letter to Huzaifah (R.A) saying, ‘I hereby put you on oath that you would before you put down this letter from your hands, divorce and release her because I fear other Muslims start following you and begin choosing women from amongst the People of the Book because of their beauty (bypassing Muslim women in the process). What greater trial there could be for Muslim women.’ (Kitabul Athaar – Ma’ariful Quran Volume 3 page 81 – Farid book depot).
Abdullah bin Umar (R.A.) said, ‘Certainly Allah has made the polytheist’s women Haram for Muslims, and I do not know of any shirk more grave than a woman should say that her Lord and God is Jesus the son of Mary.’ (Ahkam Al Quran by Abu Bakr Al Jasas. Suhail academy Lahore Pakistan.)
A similar event also occurred with two other companions who got married to women from the People of the Book. When Umar (R.A.) heard about this, he became very angry and displeased with them for what they did. Upon this, the companions divorced these women.
Answer 6
Question 7
I am in a loving relationship with a woman, and we’ve been together for two years. However, my main concern is that she is Christian, although she is not very devout. She was raised in Christianity, but after sharing my concerns with her, she has shown a willingness to learn about Islam. In fact, she introduced me to Darul Fiqh after reading an article. I’m unsure about the future of our relationship and would appreciate advice on how to navigate this situation, along with suggestions for articles that could guide her toward Islam.
Answer 7
Question 8
What are the conditions to fulfill a marriage contract when marrying a Christian woman? Do divorced women, in this case and in general, require a wali or wakil?
Answer 8
Question 9
I am a Christian woman interested in marrying my Muslim boyfriend. My parents are not fully supportive, but I am committed to this marriage. I would like to know if I need a wali from my side for the marriage to be valid. Also, I have read several articles stating that I do not need to convert to Islam to get a Nikah. Is this correct?
Answer 9
Question 10
Sallam. There’s a Christian girl I intend to marry, on the condition that she embraces Islam. She seems quite willing, but the issue is that she attends a Rhema church with her sister, who is in Bible school. This concerns me, as she claims to enjoy the church, and I feel that her sister or the church might influence her decision regarding Islam. I want to handle this situation with care and tact. Could you suggest an approach?
Answer 10