Question 1
Is it necessary to take permission from a female in the presence of witnesses to get her married in the Masjid?
Answer 1
Question 2
I would just like to know whether whilst gaining the consent of his daughter, a wali needs to have two witnesses present and whether they must actually HEAR the consent given because when a father went to the Imam of a Masjid who was performing the nikah, the Imam addressed the two witnesses and asked whether they had heard the daughter give her consent. As they had not heard the daughter give consent but had taken the fathers word and were also aware through their families that the daughter was in agreement, they answered yes despite not being present when the consent was given. Please reply informing us whether this nikah is valid
Answer 2
Question 3
Is it necessary for 2 witnesses to be present when the guardian takes the girl’s permission for Nikah? In some communities, it is considered necessary that the same 2 witnesses who witness the actual Nikah also witness the guardian taking the bride’s permission. Would Nikah be valid if there are no witnesses when taking her permission?
Answer 3
Question 4
Do the same two witnesses who were present for the bride's consent have to be witnesses for the Nikah?
Answer 4
Question 5
I have very minimal knowledge about our Shariah, and I'm seeking clarification on the requirement of a bride's wali (guardian) permission for marriage. Some hadiths suggest that marriage without the wali's permission is invalid, while Deoband fatwas state that marriages are valid even without parental consent. Please clarify the basis of these fatwas and whether they align with the hadiths.
Answer 5
Question 6
A girl had a secret Nikkah with a boy without her family's knowledge or consent. The Nikkah was performed by an Imam with one male witness present. The girl's family has since found out and is concerned about the validity of the Nikkah. The girl has repented and wishes to move on and get married to someone else. However, her father is worried that the Nikkah is valid and is causing trouble for the family.
Answer 6
Question 7
Tajaddud Nikah on account of Wali Hakim?
Answer 7
Question 8
When a person seeks consent from the bride to represent her for her marriage, do two witnesses have to be present? Can this be done over the phone?
Answer 8
Question 9
Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullah Mufti Saab,
I have a question regarding the validity of my marriage. Five years ago, I proposed to a girl through our parents, and after initial resistance, they agreed. We got engaged, but due to financial constraints, our parents postponed the marriage. During this time, we met frequently, but later discovered that it's not permissible to meet after engagement. We then decided to perform Nikah without our parents' knowledge, choosing her step-cousin as her Wali and a friend as the Qazi. We agreed on the Mehr amount, but didn't complete any paperwork. Now, the girl's parents want to cancel the marriage, and she believes our marriage is null and void after watching some Sheikh's videos online. I'm confused - is our marriage valid, and do I need to give her a divorce?
Answer 9
Question 10
Question: I'm in a 7-year relationship with someone who recently converted to Islam. We're both 24, and our families want us to wait another 1-2 years to get married due to financial and educational concerns. We're considering a secret Nikkah without our parents' knowledge to avoid committing adultery and to officially marry next year.
Answer 10