Question 1
Salaam. I have a question about the rights of a parent or step-parent who is abusive. There was a previous response regarding the rights of a stepmother, stating that they are equal to a mother’s. The woman I’m referring to has been extremely abusive for many years. What rights do the stepchildren have in this case, and what happens if those rights are not fulfilled?
Answer 1
Question 2
Asalaamu Alaykum,
My husband recently lost a custody battle for his daughter, and she is living with her mother, who exposes her to marijuana, alcohol, anger issues, and neglects her schooling. My stepdaughter's transition back to our household is difficult because we only see her occasionally, but we do have a bond. When she is with us, I find myself dealing with her bad behavior while my husband, who works, is not present to manage it.
Is it wrong according to our religion that I don't want to take on this responsibility? I fear she may be a bad influence on my children, but I also feel guilty for feeling this way. It’s hard to be invested emotionally when things keep backfiring. Please guide me on what is the right thing to do. JazakAllahayr.
Answer 2
Question 3
I have a 10-year-old stepdaughter. Her biological mother is Christian, while my husband and I are Muslim. The mother has custody, and we only have visitation rights. I love my stepdaughter, and she loves me, but the mother's hatred towards my husband and me has led her to feed our daughter misleading and incorrect information about Islam. She even goes as far as giving her Haram things to make us upset and has started giving her dating advice, which is very concerning.
When she visits us, we take her to the Masjid, she prays with us at home, and we try to set a good example as Muslims. However, as she grows older and starts seeing how American non-Muslim children live, combined with her mother's influence, I am increasingly worried. We constantly pray for guidance, but I am looking for advice on what steps we can take to help her understand the importance of prayer, living right, and being the proper Muslim we are trying to raise her to be, especially since we only have limited time with her.
Answer 3
Question 4
I wanted to ask about my rights and responsibilities towards my husband’s son from his previous marriage. When my husband came here, he saw his son when he was 2 years old. I told him he should provide for him financially, and he sent some money, which the child’s maternal grandparents accepted until his mother remarried, at which point they refused. My husband has visited his son several times, with and without me, but he has only seen him once in the past 10 years.
We don’t have children of our own, and my husband says that if we bring his son to live with us, perhaps Allah will ease our difficulties. Currently, I’m the main breadwinner and cover most expenses. The child is doing well in school and Islamic studies.
I must admit that this situation won’t be easy on me. What are the rights and responsibilities of both my husband and me in this matter according to fiqh?
Answer 4
Question 5
My dad got married to a second wife in 2013. My siblings, my mum (his first wife), and I were not aware of his marriage until early 2014. Since then, we haven’t had any contact with his second wife. My dad is pushing for us to establish a relationship with her, but my siblings and I feel we prefer not to engage, not only because it’s our personal choice but also to avoid further upsetting our mum.
From an Islamic perspective, where do we stand regarding our rights in this matter?
Answer 5
Question 6
What responsibilities, if any, does a man have towards his stepchildren?
Answer 6
Question 7
As-Salaam-Alaikum,I have a question regarding inheritance please:
A father has 5 sons and two daughters. One of the sons and a daughter are not his; they are from his wife’s first marriage.
When it comes to an Islamic will:
Does he have to include the two kids (stepchildren)?
Can he choose to include one of them?
Answer 7
Question 8
I’m hoping you can shed some light on this matter, nonetheless I have a daughter out of wedlock. Her father is Christian. I withheld visitation because I know I’ve committed a major sin. I’ve repented and I’m still doing it, anyway is it permissible for him to see and be an active role in her life? I don’t know if there’s anything I can do because he took me to children’s court. So she goes to him every Sunday. He feeds her food out of their house and they are pork eaters even though I send her lunch and snacks with her. He even gives her food out of other Christian people’s houses. I once saw his cousin’s husband kissing her on her mouth. Any advice will be appreciated.
Answer 8
Question 9
Assalam u Alykum,My question is regarding the rights of a stepmother in Islam. I was 12 and a half years old when my mother died, then after my father married a woman.
15 years have passed, and we have never lived happily, but my father always wished that we considered her as a real mother and respect and obey her as a real mother.Please tell me the status and rights of a stepmother in Islam.
Answer 9
Question 10
My brother married a non-Muslim who had a daughter from a previous marriage. They reverted to Islam and he adopted her daughter. Does the daughter have any rights to inherit from his estate?
Answer 10