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The Story of Umm Ma’bad’s Goat

Haider Kaleem

The story of Umm Ma’bad’s goat is a beautiful and miraculous account from the time of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) migration from Mecca to Medina, known as the Hijrah. It is a testament to the Prophet’s miraculous blessings and the simplicity of his life, as well as his trust in Allah during times of hardship.

In 622 CE, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his close companion, Abu Bakr (RA), embarked on the historic journey from Mecca to Medina to escape the persecution of the Quraysh. The journey was long and perilous, and the Prophet and his companion had to travel discreetly to avoid capture by the Quraysh, who had placed a bounty on the Prophet’s head. Along the way, the Prophet and Abu Bakr traveled through barren and harsh desert terrain, with little access to food or water.

As they traveled, they came upon the tent of a Bedouin woman named Umm Ma’bad, who was known for her hospitality to travelers. Tired, thirsty, and hungry from their journey, they approached her for food and drink. However, Umm Ma’bad explained that she had nothing to offer. The drought-stricken desert had left her and her family with little food, and all her goats had stopped producing milk.

In the corner of the tent, there was a weak and emaciated goat, which had long ceased giving milk due to the harsh conditions. The Prophet (PBUH), with his characteristic gentleness, asked Umm Ma’bad if he could try to milk the goat. Although surprised, she allowed him, knowing the goat had not produced milk for some time.

The Prophet then made a supplication to Allah and, placing his hand on the goat’s udder, began to milk it. To Umm Ma’bad’s astonishment, the goat’s udder filled with milk. The Prophet milked the goat until there was enough milk to fill a large container. He offered the milk first to Umm Ma’bad and her family, who drank until they were satisfied, then he and Abu Bakr drank as well.

Afterward, the Prophet milked the goat again, filling another container for the family to keep, ensuring they had enough provisions for the coming days. The entire event was miraculous, and Umm Ma’bad was amazed by what she had witnessed.

When her husband, Abu Ma’bad, returned home later that day and saw the container full of milk, he was shocked. He knew there had been no food or drink earlier and asked his wife how it had happened. Umm Ma’bad then described the encounter with the "blessed man" who had passed by their tent. She described the Prophet Muhammad’s noble appearance, his calm and respectful manner, and his gentle touch, which had brought life to their barren goat.

Her description of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has since become famous and is often quoted as a beautiful example of how he appeared to those who met him. She said:

"He was a man of visible radiance, beautiful appearance, with a luminous face, perfect in balance. He was neither too tall nor too short, and he had black hair and large eyes with long lashes. His voice was deep, and his neck was long. His beard was thick, and his eyebrows arched and full. When silent, he was grave and dignified, and when he spoke, his words were impressive, as if they were strung like pearls. His speech was clear, and he was eloquent. He appeared to be the most radiant and graceful of men from afar, and the best of them up close. People naturally gravitated to him, and those who sat with him cherished him. He was gentle, humble, and kind.”

Upon hearing this description, Abu Ma’bad said, “By Allah, this is the man the Quraysh are searching for. If I were to meet him, I would pledge my allegiance to him and follow him.”

This encounter with Umm Ma’bad became widely known as one of the miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his journey to Medina. The event not only demonstrated the Prophet's connection to Allah and his ability to perform miracles through His will but also his humility and generosity in sharing what little he had, even during his time of hardship.

The story of Umm Ma’bad’s goat stands as a reminder of the Prophet’s reliance on Allah during challenging times, his miraculous blessings, and his innate kindness toward others. Even when fleeing persecution, he remained a source of goodness, compassion, and divine blessing for those around him.


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