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Prayer for Gaining Employment with Blessings

Writer's picture: Staff MemberStaff Member

Updated: Oct 30, 2024

This detailed wazifa is designed to seek Allah’s help in securing a halal job. The power of recitation, dua, and Allah’s beautiful names will, with Allah’s will, remove obstacles and bring blessings into your career. Perform it sincerely, with patience and trust in Allah's wisdom.


  1. Purify Yourself:

    • Perform Wudu (Ablution) for spiritual and physical cleanliness.

    • Select a quiet, clean place where you won’t be disturbed during the wazifa.

  2. Clothing:

    • Wear clean clothes, preferably white or modest clothing, to create a state of purity and respect.

  3. Select an Appropriate Time:

    • The ideal time is after Fajr or Isha prayers.

    • Tahajjud prayer (during the last third of the night) is recommended for added blessings. At this time, Allah’s mercy is nearest.

  4. Gather the Materials:

    • Tasbeeh (prayer beads) for counting recitations.

    • A glass of clean water for blowing after the dua.

    • Small amount of charity (sadaqah) to increase blessings.

    • Pen and paper to record your progress or specific prayers if desired.

How to Perform the Wazifa for Job Success:

Step 1: Niyyah (Make a Sincere Intention)

Begin by making a heartfelt intention:"Ya Allah, I seek Your help and mercy. Grant me a halal and fulfilling job that will be beneficial for me in this life and the Hereafter. Open the doors of opportunities and ease the path toward my success. Ameen."

Step 2: Start with Durood Ibrahim – 11 Times

Reciting Durood Ibrahim brings blessings and ensures that your dua is accepted.

Durood Ibrahim:“Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahim Wa Ala Aali Ibrahim Innaka Hameedum Majeed.”

Step 3: Recite Surah Al-Mulk – Once Daily

Recite Surah Al-Mulk (Chapter 67) with full concentration. This Surah removes obstacles and attracts blessings, making the path to success smoother.

Step 4: Recite Surah Al-Qasas (28:24) – 100 Times

This verse is known as Musa’s (AS) dua for provision when he was in need.

Verse:“Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer.”Translation:"My Lord, truly I am in need of whatever good You send down to me."

  • Recite this dua 100 times while focusing on your need for a job. Believe that Allah will open doors for you just as He provided for Musa (AS).

Step 5: Recite Ayat Al-Kursi – 3 Times

Ayat Al-Kursi is a powerful verse for protection and divine assistance. Recite it 3 times:

Ayat Al-Kursi:“Allah! There is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence...”(Complete the full verse from Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255).

Step 6: Call Upon Allah’s Names – Ya Fattah and Ya Razzaq

Using your tasbeeh (prayer beads), recite:

  • Ya Fattah (313 Times):"The Opener" – Invoke Allah to open the doors of opportunities.

  • Ya Razzaq (313 Times):"The Provider" – Ask for Allah’s provision and sustenance.

These names of Allah attract blessings, ease, and provision from unexpected sources.

Step 7: Make a Personal Dua (Supplication)

Raise your hands in dua and pour your heart out to Allah. Speak as if you are confiding in a close friend. Mention:

  • Your desire for a job that aligns with Islamic values.

  • Request barakah (blessings) and stability in your work life.

  • Ask for the ability to contribute positively to society and help others.

  • Express gratitude for past blessings and seek future success.

Step 8: Blow on the Glass of Water and Drink It

After your dua, blow gently into the glass of water. Drink the water with the belief that Allah will respond to your prayers.

Step 9: Conclude with Durood Ibrahim – 11 Times

Finish the wazifa with Durood Ibrahim to close your recitation:“Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahim Wa Ala Aali Ibrahim Innaka Hameedum Majeed.”

Additional Steps for Maximum Barakah (Blessings):

  1. Salat-ul-Hajat (Prayer of Need):

    • Pray two rakats of Salat-ul-Hajat. After the prayer, make dua asking Allah for a job.

  2. Sadaqah (Charity):

    • Give a small amount in charity daily, even if it’s just a few coins or a meal to someone in need. Charity increases blessings and removes obstacles.

  3. Recite Surah Al-Waqiah Daily:

    • Surah Al-Waqiah is known for increasing sustenance and wealth. Recite it every day after Isha prayer for added barakah.

  4. Positive Mindset and Patience:

    • Trust in Allah’s timing and wisdom. Stay positive and consistent in your efforts.

Daily Routine and Commitment:

  1. Perform this wazifa daily for 11 days. If no result is seen within this period, extend it to 40 days.

  2. Stay consistent with your five daily prayers (Salah). Prayers are a source of peace and blessings.

  3. Keep applying for jobs and preparing for interviews alongside your spiritual efforts.

What to Avoid During the Wazifa:

  1. Avoid haram (forbidden) activities during this period.

  2. Stay away from despair and hopelessness. Trust that Allah will provide at the right time.

  3. Avoid missing prayers or becoming impatient with Allah’s timing.


This Wazifa for a job brings together powerful Quranic verses, Allah’s names, and personal dua to help attract employment. Alongside performing this wazifa, it’s essential to put in practical efforts by applying for jobs, improving your skills, and preparing for interviews. With sincere faith, patience, and consistency, you will, Insha’Allah, find a job that is beneficial for you.

May Allah grant you a fulfilling job with barakah, ease, and prosperity. Ameen.

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