Question 1
Is the husband supposed to give his wife Nafaqah (a fixed monthly allowance)? If yes, then how much?
Answer 1
Question 2
I have been divorced by my ex-husband, and my Iddah period has ended. During our 2 years and 9 months of marriage, he never provided me with Nafaqah (financial maintenance) for myself. I lived with my in-laws, so rent and food were covered, but he personally did not spend on me.
I would like to know if there is a debt on my ex-husband because he did not provide for me. I also understand that he was responsible for my Nafaqah during my Iddah period. Can you clarify what Nafaqah includes and whether he owes me anything?
Answer 2
Question 3
Is a man only required to support his parents if he has the financial means, or must he also seek a job specifically to support them?
Answer 3
Question 4
How should a husband provide Nafaqah (financial support) for his wife?
Answer 4
Question 5
What are a wife's rights regarding accommodation in Islam?
Answer 5
Question 6
Islamically, what was my ex-ex-husband’s financial responsibility to our children and me?
The money I was receiving from the government was on the basis that I was a single mom (which I was not). I have no way to accurately determine what this amount would have been over the years had we registered the marriage. It would have been way less though because my ex-husband did work at a proper job for the first 4-5 years of the marriage and had income he showed on taxes.
How do I factor in what he owes me based on the fact that he should’ve covered all my food, shelter, and clothing in the time we lived together? Also, it should be noted that I worked 6/10 years in this relationship and earned money which I put into the house, kids, etc. What would be a fair way to calculate all of this?
Answer 6
Question 7
My wife committed adultery with her ex-boyfriend, and now she wants to stay at her father’s house with our three children and is asking for a Khulah (divorce). I don’t want to give her divorce because of my children, and if I do, will it be a sin since divorce is discouraged in Islam? Also, what happens to my children if I divorce her? I am providing financial support for them and visiting them regularly. I don’t want this issue to become public. What about the Mahr (dowry) she is owed? Should I pay it when she asks for Khulah, or can I ask for it to be waived? I advised her to seek forgiveness from Allah for her sin, but she still claims to have feelings for her ex-boyfriend. What is the ruling on remarriage after a divorce? I am 39 years old, and my mother is sick and in need of care, so what should I do? Lastly, what is the best way to divorce in an Islamic manner, following the Hanafi madhab or according to the most authentic teachings?
Answer 7
Question 8
Is it obligatory for a husband to provide a separate room, kitchen, and bathroom for his wife, or is providing only a room sufficient?
If a husband only provides a room without a separate kitchen and bathroom, is he considered a sinner (Fasiq)? Is it a major or minor sin?
Can a wife ask for a divorce if the husband fails to provide proper shelter (i.e., only a room without a kitchen or bathroom)?
4a) If there is great conflict between the husband’s mother and wife, leading to fitna (troubles), would it be obligatory for the husband to provide separate shelter for his wife, even if she is of a lower financial status? What if the situation worsens, causing depression or suffering for the wife and children?
4b) In this case, is the wife entitled to ask for a divorce if the husband does not provide separate shelter?
Answer 8
Question 9
What does Shariah say about a wife’s right to finances upon divorce, particularly if she contributed to the husband's house purchase (which was on a loan) or to household expenses such as food and shopping? Can she ask for reimbursement for these contributions? What about electrical appliances that were bought during the marriage? Can she ask for the money back, since the husband now owns them and lives in the house?
Answer 9
Question 10
My wife works full time and keeps all her money. I pay for all house bills, food for the house, and I give my wife £100 a month. In accordance to this, am I (the husband) fulfilling my financial obligations towards my wife? Please can you provide a detailed response with Quran and Hadith evidence? Jazak Allah Khair.
Answer 10