Question 1
Is it necessary to have sexual relations on the wedding night with your wife for the walima to be permissible the following day?
Answer 1
Question 2
Is it allowed to accept money or gifts when someone gives them to you on your walima or aqeeqah day?
Answer 2
Question 3
Should the Walimah be held before or after the consummation of the Nikah?
Answer 3
Question 4
Today, it has become customary for people to have the Walimah on the same day as the Nikah. The couple has a Khalwah Saheehah and then the invitation is carried out. Will this still be regarded as Walimah, or does it go against the objective of Walimah?
Answer 4
Question 5
I have my Nikkah soon, In'Shaa'Allah, but my Rukhsati will be after around 7 months from our Nikkah, and that is when we intend to fulfill the Sunnah of Walimah. I’ve heard that if one consummates (the act or even khalwah saheehah) before the Walimah, it invalidates it. We definitely do not want to compromise on the Sunnah of Walimah. My question relates to the boundaries of intimacy during this time between Nikkah and Rukhsati, so that we do not end up consummating our marriage, and our Walimah is still valid (with the Will of Allah) after 6-7 months of marriage.
Answer 5
Question 6
Assalam aleykum,When should a Walimah take place?
Answer 6
Question 7
Who must pay for the Walimah? Is there a ruling that says the husband (groom) should pay for the Walimah feast, or can it be paid by anyone?
Answer 7
Question 8
Can my sister’s husband hold my Walimah if I permit him to?
Answer 8
Question 9
I have a close friend who is inviting me to his Walimah feast. I know that his income is not halal. Should I go to the Walimah or avoid it?
Answer 9
Question 10
I have been married for less than 6 months and will be having the Rukhsati (reception) very soon, probably in a month. My wife and I go out occasionally, and sometimes I drop her at work. We hold hands while I drive her to work. Is this wrong? We also cuddle at times. Is this wrong? We kissed a few times. Was this wrong? I mean, was it inappropriate since the Walimah has not happened yet? However, I have not consummated the marriage, nor do I intend to until the reception, In shaa Allah. I just have concerns since I don’t want to do anything wrong. Your advice will be much appreciated, as the local Muftis told me something about tanhai that if tanhai happens, then I have to do the Walimah within 3 days. I’m kind of scared and don’t understand the point of tanhai. Also, for your information, we did have a small ceremony to inform others that I have completed the wedding rituals. Does this help?
Answer 10