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Financial Abundance and Prosperity

Writer's picture: Staff MemberStaff Member

Updated: Nov 16, 2024

This Wazifa for financial abundance is intended to help you seek Allah’s blessings in increasing wealth and overcoming financial hardships. With sincere intentions, this wazifa can bring barakah (blessings) into your wealth and open doors to opportunities for prosperity.


  1. Cleanliness:

    • Perform Wudu (Ablution) to purify yourself before starting.

    • Sit on a clean prayer mat in a quiet place.

    • Wear clean clothes, preferably white, symbolizing purity.

  2. Best Time to Perform:

    • After Fajr or Isha prayers, when the mind is calm.

    • Tahajjud time (the last third of the night) is highly recommended for invoking Allah’s mercy.

  3. Materials Required:

    • Tasbeeh (prayer beads) for counting recitations.

    • A glass of water for blowing after recitation.

    • Some dates, honey, or sweet dish to give in charity (Sadaqah).

    • Pen and paper to write the wazifa.

Wazifa Procedure (Step-by-Step):

1. Niyyah (Intention):

Sit peacefully and make a sincere intention:"O Allah, I seek Your mercy and blessings for financial abundance and relief from all financial hardships. Please grant me halal wealth and barakah in everything I do."

2. Begin with Durood Sharif – 11 Times:

Recite Durood Ibrahim:“Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Muhammadin Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahim Wa Ala Aali Ibrahim Innaka Hameedum Majeed.”

3. Recite Surah Al-Waqiah – 1 Time Daily:

Surah Al-Waqiah (Chapter 56) is known as the Surah of Wealth. It brings financial stability when recited regularly.

  • Recite the entire Surah with full concentration.

4. Recite Ayat Al-Kursi – 3 Times:

Ayat Al-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255) brings protection and blessings.

  • Recite it 3 times with faith that Allah will open doors for financial relief.

5. Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas – 11 Times:

Surah Al-Ikhlas (112:1-4) holds immense rewards and increases sustenance. Recite it with devotion:“Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad. Allahus-Samad…”

6. Call Upon Allah’s Beautiful Names – 313 Times:

Using your Tasbeeh, recite:“Ya Razzaq, Ya Ghaniyyu, Ya Kareem” – 313 times

  • Ya Razzaq: The Provider

  • Ya Ghaniyyu: The Self-Sufficient

  • Ya Kareem: The Most Generous

7. Special Dua for Financial Abundance:

After completing the recitations, raise your hands and say:"Ya Allah, You are the One who provides sustenance to whom You will. Please grant me halal wealth, barakah, and prosperity. Open the doors of financial opportunities for me and relieve me from all my debts and worries. Ameen."

8. Visualize Your Success and Make Personal Dua:

Close your eyes and visualize financial abundance. Imagine yourself free of debts, at peace, and able to help others. Make a personal dua asking for specific financial goals with gratitude and hope.

9. Blow on the Water and Drink:

Blow gently over the glass of water and drink it with belief that Allah will fulfill your prayers.

10. End with Durood Sharif – 11 Times:

Recite Durood Ibrahim again 11 times to conclude the wazifa.

Additional Practices:

  1. Sadaqah (Charity):

  2. Give a small amount of sadaqah daily, even if it’s just a few coins. Charity attracts blessings and increases wealth.

  3. Recite Ya Wahhab – 300 Times Daily:

  4. Ya Wahhab (The Bestower) is one of Allah’s names. Reciting it daily will attract Allah’s blessings and favors.

  5. Salat-ul-Hajat (Prayer of Need):

  6. Offer Salat-ul-Hajat (two rakats) and ask Allah for financial relief and prosperity.

  7. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays:

  8. Fasting on these days brings immense barakah in your life.

Daily Routine and Consistency:

  • Perform this wazifa daily for 11 or 40 days.

  • Stay consistent in your prayers (Salah) and avoid engaging in haram activities that may hinder barakah.

Important Guidelines:

  1. Halal Intentions:

  2. Make sure your intention is pure. Seek wealth for halal purposes and not for unlawful means.

  3. Trust in Allah’s Plan:

  4. If you don’t see immediate results, stay patient. Allah’s timing is perfect, and He may have better plans for you.

  5. Avoid Negative Emotions:

  6. Stay away from jealousy, greed, or despair. Keep your heart filled with gratitude and hope.

  7. Istikhara (Prayer for Guidance):

  8. If you are unsure about your financial decisions, pray Istikhara to seek Allah’s guidance.


This Wazifa for financial abundance is a powerful way to seek Allah’s blessings and prosperity. Perform it with a pure heart, faith, and trust in Allah’s wisdom. Alongside the wazifa, make efforts towards lawful means of income, stay consistent in prayers, and practice gratitude for what you already have.

May Allah grant you abundant halal wealth, peace, and contentment. Ameen.


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