Question 1
As Salamu Alaikum. I've often heard that a husband's wealth is also his wife's, and vice versa. Can you provide evidence for this claim from Islamic teachings? Is it based on a sound hadith or is it simply a matter of women's rights?
Answer 1
Question 2
If a husband claims that his only means of supporting the family is through interest-based work, what should the wife do? Is it permissible for her to accept this money as her dowry? Considering the husband's work involves helping people lower their interest rates on their houses, is this acceptable?
Answer 2
Question 3
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,
I have a question regarding a wife's financial independence. Does a husband have any rights to share or interfere with his wife's earnings, which she obtained through her own separate work? I heard a fatwa stating that a wife must ask her husband's opinion before giving charity (Sadaqah). Is this true?
Jazaakumullah Khayran
Answer 3
Question 4
Is it permissible for a wife to secretly take her husband's money to fund her trip to help refugees abroad, or to cover her friend's travel expenses?
Answer 4
Question 5
I got married last year and am now 9 months pregnant. My husband is struggling to find a good job, currently earning 9,000 rupees per month in Delhi. He's trying to secure a better job abroad but hasn't been successful. He wants to start a small business with 50,000 rupees, selling food items. Please advise if this business idea is good for him and provide any duas or wazaif for increasing rizq.
Answer 5
Question 6
Must a husband inform his wife about his specific financial details, such as monthly expenses and bills? Please provide a detailed response with evidence from the Quran and Hadith.
Answer 6
Question 7
I've been in a "friendship" with a boy for approximately 4 years, and we intend to get married soon. However, he's still studying and has no income. I'm working and can support both of us on my salary. Our parents believe that the husband should support his wife. Should we continue waiting until he finds a job or get married and make the relationship halaal?
Answer 7
Question 8
My husband regularly spends money on his cousin, who is staying in the UK, and expects me to contribute to our family expenses. He justifies this by saying that in his Pakistani culture, the elder one pays. I feel it's unfair that his family members receive different treatment from his wife.
Answer 8
Question 9
I'm worried about the source of my husband's income, as he hasn't been working for 6 months. He doesn't share financial information with me, and I have no oversight over our finances. He insists that I shouldn't look into his bank account, but I'm concerned about anything haram entering our household.
Answer 9
Question 10
I'm experiencing issues with my husband, who leaves me alone at night with our infant child to spend time with friends. He often sleeps on the couch, and when I try to discuss our problems, he swears and calls me names. He breaks promises and doesn't pray. I feel unwanted and unsure of how to address these issues without considering divorce.
Answer 10