Question 1
My husband says that it’s his right to shout at me and that I don’t have the right to be angry. He says that he is allowed to call me stupid, but I am not allowed to. Is it true that a husband can treat his wife this way, and that I should just remain silent and accept his anger without expressing my own?
Answer 1
Question 2
Why do some scholars seem to favor the wife in marriage? What are the husband’s rights in Islam?
Many scholars say it is not the wife’s duty to cook for her husband, so what is the purpose of marriage?
Is it unjust that the husband is required to fulfill all the financial needs of his wife, while the wife doesn’t contribute?
Sexual intimacy is the right of both husband and wife, so what is the purpose of women? If a woman ages and no longer serves her husband or maintains her beauty, does he have the right to divorce her?
Scholars say both husband and wife have equal rights, so why did the Prophet (PBUH) say, "If I had to order someone to prostrate to anyone, I would have ordered the wife to prostrate to her husband," as Allah has established a right of men over their wives?
Answer 2
Question 3
To what extent is a husband in charge of a wife’s life? I am not able to do anything or buy anything for myself, and I’m not allowed to work. I feel there’s no solution, and I’m trapped here. I have five children so I can’t leave. We always had problems, and he has become very abusive and violent. We can only obey his rules here, and no other choices are even heard. He does things contrary to Islam, but he doesn’t seem to care. I’m tired and feel hopeless.
Answer 3
Question 4
My husband is not working, and I am facing issues with maintenance. What should I do regarding my rights in this situation?
Answer 4
Question 5
My brother's wife is cheating on him. What rights does he have? Does he have to support her and the child? Does he still have to provide accommodation? She has walked out on him. Does she lose her rights?
JazakAllah khair for your help.
Answer 5
Question 6
What is the authenticity of the narration in which a woman from the tribe of Khath’am asks Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) about the rights of the husband over the wife, and the Prophet responds with several conditions regarding the wife's duties?
Answer 6
Question 7
Assalam alaykum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh.I am married for six years and have two kids. My husband has been working in Dubai for four years and, in the past few months, has stopped communicating with me properly. He asked for a divorce because he met a woman on Facebook and wants to marry her. I agreed to his second marriage, as long as he takes care of both wives equally and gives us equal rights. However, he says his girlfriend can’t tolerate me. I made a deal to never interfere in his life as long as he doesn’t divorce me. Is it right to divorce the first wife just to marry another woman without any reason? Is it right to stay as a wife without emotional or physical rights?
Answer 7
Question 8
As Salaam Alaikum,I have been married since 2009 and have four children, Alhamdulillah. Recently, I found out about my husband's affair and saw messages on his phone with different women, discussing massages and sex. He has not touched me for the past three years, and when I try to approach him, he either sleeps, argues, or says sorry and claims he has problems. When I confronted him about his affairs, he got angry and lied, telling me I shouldn't have touched his phone and that if I want to leave, I can go. I can't leave him because I lost my parents last year to COVID, and my siblings are all busy with their families. I don't work and have no other financial support besides him. My children are very young, with my youngest being only 3 years old, and I am 33 years old. Despite my prayers and devotion, I feel low and don't have anyone to talk to. He doesn't talk to me or sit beside me, and while I’m not ugly (people say I’m beautiful), he is not even good-looking. Please help me—should I leave him? My kids love him, and he is a good father. I'm struggling with this situation, and it is affecting my mental and physical health.
Answer 8
Question 9
I am a little upset with my husband’s behavior towards impressing me. We have discussed this issue many times, and no approach seems to work. Overall, he is a great husband, but he really does make me feel like he doesn’t want to impress me when he is with me. He repeatedly wears old, undesirable clothes when he has a wardrobe full of nice clothes. Is it not a right of the wife to also want to see her husband look nice? What approach might make him understand?
Answer 9
Question 10
I am a little upset with my husband’s behavior towards impressing me. We have discussed this issue many times, and no approach seems to work. Overall, he is a great husband, but he really does make me feel like he doesn’t want to impress me when he is with me. He repeatedly wears old, undesirable clothes when he has a wardrobe full of nice clothes. Is it not a right of the wife to also want to see her husband look nice? What approach might make him understand?
Answer 10