Question 1
As-Salaam Alaikum,I am a woman. After completing my university studies, I want to take a job outside the home in an office and work there. I will not work out of compulsion or because I need money, rather I will work for using my qualification and spending my time doing a job. My father said he does not have any problem with it. Can I work maintaining the rules of hijab?Also, nowadays in every workplace, there are men and women. I will not have any informal and unnecessary talk with men, rather I will talk to them only when it is necessary. Can I work in such a place following the rules of modesty and hijab?
Answer 1
Question 2
My wife says that after marriage, I must devote myself entirely to her and cut ties with my family. This sounds illogical to me. What does Islam say about this?
Answer 2
Question 3
Who has greater rights in Islam – the husband’s parents or the wife’s parents?
Answer 3
Question 4
My wife does not allow my parents to visit, but expects me to host her parents. How should I handle this situation?
Answer 4
Question 5
Is it true that after marriage, the husband should sever ties with his family and devote himself only to his wife?
Answer 5
Question 6
I have been married for 10 years and live separately from my parents. I have two boys, aged 5 and 7. Six years ago, when I was expecting my second child, I wanted my parents to live with us again, but my wife firmly refused. My parents used to live with my younger brother, but he moved due to work reasons. My father has been retired for almost a decade, and my mother is close to retirement but still working. I would love for them to live with us so that my children can be with them. Recently, I discussed this with my wife, but she firmly refused and even threatened to leave me and take the kids with her. Our house has a separate space for my parents. What is my responsibility towards my parents, wife, and children? Should I find my parents a house nearby? Am I wrong to ask for my parents to live with us?
Answer 6
Question 7
Is it from the wife’s rights to demand living in a separate house (away from the husband’s family) if the husband can afford it? The husband wants to be close to his parents to earn their rida (pleasure) and provide help to them in any way he can, but there seem to be too many problems and regular fights with the wife and family when they live together.
Answer 7
Question 8
Assalaamu alaykum.
I would like to know what the wife’s rights are regarding accommodation and what are the conditions for her to get it. I had tried to search regarding the matter and I read that the wife is entitled to her own space away from in-laws if living with them, and that it should have a sleeping space, bathroom, and kitchen. But what counts as separate accommodation? As a teacher of mine told me it is having a separate private space and does not have to be away from the in-laws, but this is contrary to what I have read. Alhamdulillah, I have a room with a lock, a bathroom, but the kitchen is shared, and there is a non-mahram in the home which I find difficult. Please advise me as I am confused about what my teacher said after reading so much about the wife being entitled to a separate home.
Answer 8
Question 9
Assalamualaikum. Yesterday I had a fight with my wife because she tries to control my communication with my parents. She told me not to give my cell number to my parents so that they should not contact me, and that I should only contact them. She says my mother always asks for money. I am not doing so well financially (I have been married for 8 months without children). My rent is paid by my uncle as I cannot afford it right now. The same uncle is also supporting my parents.
My mother is in Pakistan and my father is in the USA working and sends whatever he can to my mother. However, the amount my father gives is not sufficient for my mother.
When my wife and I fought, she told me to leave her and exit the house, as the rent is being paid by my uncle who also happens to be her uncle. To avoid further chaos, I agreed not to give my cell number to my mother. She further said that I must contact my parents only once a week, to which I complied. However, I secretly continued to contact my parents. I also gave them my cell phone number. I also frequently send them money from my earnings. Yesterday my wife found out resulting in another commotion.
Furthermore, I am not able to consult my elders regarding my mother since they have a grudge against her because of an incident in the past. So my question is, in this situation, what should I do in reference to Quran and Sunnah? Because I believe my parents' rights exceed my wife’s rights.
Also, my wife is not having physical relations with me. When I feel the urge to fulfill my desires, I compassionately approach her. However, she disregards all of this leaving me with a lot of pain. Please suggest to me in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Should I continue with this relationship or not?
Answer 9
Question 10
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. I hope this reaches you in the best of health and iman. I have 3 questions:
1. Is it Sunnah for the husband to listen to his wife?
2. What are the things a wife does that makes her sinful?
3. What are the rights of the husband and wife, specifically the wife's rights on her husband?
الجواب وباللہ التوفیق
Answer 10