Question 1
Is it permissible for a young Muslim couple to get married in secret without their parents' knowledge or consent, especially if the parents are objecting to the marriage due to the boy's age?
Answer 1
Question 2
I'm in a sensitive situation and hope you can provide guidance. I performed a secret marriage several months ago, without our families' knowledge. I'm wondering if my marriage is valid.
Details of the Marriage
We got married on the 25th of Ramadhan at a restaurant near a mosque.
There was no Haq Mahr (dowry), no wahli (guardian), and no written contract.
The witnesses were arranged by my husband, one being his best friend and the other a random brother working at the restaurant.
My husband performed the Nikkah himself, asking me three times if I accepted, and I replied "Yes" three times.
Concerns and Doubts
I've spoken to a Mufti in Leicester who said the marriage is valid, but friends have raised doubts, citing invalidity.
My husband consulted Mufti Yaseen from London, who reportedly validated the marriage, while Sheikh Yasseer from the States deemed it invalid.
Answer 2
Question 3
I'm a 28-year-old woman who performed a secret nikah six months ago due to my parents' disapproval of my husband's cultural background. I'm struggling with guilt, fear, and stress. Should I get divorced and marry someone my parents approve of, or should I confess the truth to them?
Answer 3
Question 4
Assalam Alaikum,
I'm a young Muslim student who has fallen in love with a kind-hearted, smart, and pious Muslim man. However, our parents won't accept our relationship due to our age. We want to perform a Nikkah to make our relationship halal. As Hanafis, we know that Nikkah without a Wali (guardian) is allowed in our madhab. Can we perform a secret Nikkah and make it a legal marriage when we turn 18? If our parents accept our relationship in the future, can we redo the Nikkah for show?
Answer 4
Question 5
I'm a 22-year-old student and worker who has been involved in unethical activities, including Zina. I want to stop sinning and fulfill my carnal desires lawfully. I'm considering a secret Nikkah with someone to keep the relationship physical for a few years until I'm ready to marry with my family's involvement.
Answer 5
Question 6
I'm in a situation where I'm engaged to someone, but our families want us to wait over a year before getting married. We're worried about falling into fitna and want to explore options. Would it be permissible to get married discreetly without my Wali present, but with witnesses, and keep it a secret until we get married again with our parents' involvement later?
Additionally, what advice can you offer to young adults in the West who are encouraged to interact with their fiancés at family gatherings, but are expected to treat them as non-mahrams?
Answer 6
Question 7
Assalam Alaykom,
I'm seeking guidance on my marriage situation. I'm already married with three kids, but a year ago, I married another woman (divorced, same age) in secret, outside Lebanon, to maintain confidentiality. We agreed on the maher, and I paid it fully. We plan not to have kids and intend to buy a house soon. My second wife works with me, and we have regular intimate relations.
I'm concerned about the validity of our marriage, as we didn't have a wali (guardian) present. I've read that this might be haram, and I want to assure myself that nothing is wrong?
Answer 7
Question 8
I recently converted to Islam, and a man who is already married is interested in making me his second wife. He wants to keep the marriage a secret because he knows his first wife won't accept it. I'm torn between my feelings for him and the potential consequences of a secret marriage.
Answer 8
Question 9
I'm asking on behalf of a friend who got married in secret without her wali's consent. The husband, who was previously married with kids, didn't inform his first wife about the marriage. Now, after 1.5 years, he's making excuses, not visiting his second wife, and using abusive language over the phone. He also drinks and hasn't provided her with any rights, including Haq Mahar.
Please advise on how she can obtain a Khula without the Nikah paper, as she's lost contact with the Imam and witnesses.
Answer 9
Question 10
I've been in a relationship with a Christian girl for three years. She's converted to Islam, and we both feel that marrying Islamically will help us become better Muslims. However, our parents are strongly against it. We're aware that our situation isn't ideal according to the Sunnah, but we want to make things right.
Is our marriage permissible and valid despite not following the Sunnah? Can we get married without publicizing it to her non-Muslim parents, who are already aware of our relationship?
Answer 10