Question 1
Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu,
I read about temporary marriage that it is Haraam. What is the real difference between a temporary marriage and a non-temporary marriage?I understood that, if a marriage is "fixed for a period" such as 1 year or 2, then the marriage is invalid. I also read that marriages can be based on "conditions," such as:
If the husband or wife commits adultery, the marriage will break.
If the wife leaves the house without the husband's permission, the marriage will break.
I heard that "conditions" can be drawn for the marriage which states that as long as these conditions are met, then the marriage is valid and if any of these conditions are broken, the marriage can be broken. Is this true?
Our Young Boys Positions Today:As you know, in the West, it is very hard for young boys not to mix with girls. We have them in schools, colleges, universities, workplaces, etc., and if you do not cooperate with them, you will be expelled. We cannot afford to be expelled, otherwise, who will feed our parents? Also, if we leave our workplaces and apply for state benefits, they will refuse to give them because the West does not consider "a boy leaving his work simply because he does not want to mix with female colleagues" a valid reason to quit a job.
We also have girl neighbors who are always inviting us to fornicate. We try to avoid them, but it is always impossible as we cannot hide inside our houses all the time. Sooner or later, some brothers fall into their traps and cannot get out. There are lots of young Muslim boys who want to get out but are too weak to do so.
What if I am in the following conditions:
I go to university and stay in a hostel (where there are girls who always invite me for sex, even though I always turn them down) because I cannot afford to rent a place on my own.
I work part-time (where there exist female colleagues who always invite me for sex, even though I always turn them down) and cannot find full-time employment unless I get my degree qualification.
As you can see from the above situation, I cannot afford to stay away from females.
I know you will advise me to get married to save myself from the sin of fornication. But, what if I am not the oldest brother in the family and I have older brothers who have to get married first, who are unemployed and looking for work to save money to get married themselves?
As you can see, my older brothers need to get married first, otherwise, if I get married first, there will be gossip in my society that I am fornicating and so my parents got me married first. This will ruin our family reputation, which we cannot afford. Also, I cannot afford to get married as I only work part-time and this is not enough to get married, as bride families nowadays do not accept us boys to marry their daughters unless we spend a lot of money and give a big celebration.
What if my other Muslim friends are dating and mating with their university hostel girls and classmates and work colleagues and are always influencing me to do the same, and I am trying hard to ignore them but cannot because naturally, I am weak inside?
Now, you can see that I am in a very bad situation and cannot get out of it. Now, what can be done brother? We students cannot afford to get married. Women are tempting us everywhere as they are always curious to see how it feels to sleep with this boy and that boy. We are getting weak, and our head is always hot and disturbing our studies and work.
Can we marry Christian girls from university or work who are willing?What if I have feelings for a Christian girl whom I always have to mix with in class and work, and she has the same feelings for me? Can I marry secretly this Christian girl from university/work who I cannot avoid at all and who always tempts me? This will save me from fornication.
This way, she gets her curiosity satisfied about me, and she is saved from fornication, and I get my curiosity satisfied about her, and I save myself from fornication. It will then clear our heads, and we can study and work without always thinking of each other.
Can I not marry her without fixing a period of marriage, until my parents marry me to a Muslim girl?For example, instead of fixing a date such as marrying her for 1 year or 2 years, can I marry her with this intention/Niyyah and with these conditions that:
I am marrying her to save myself from committing fornication like the others are up to.
I will be free to divorce her whenever I like, such as:
a) any unfixed day before I marry a Muslim girl, or
b) any unfixed day after I marry a Muslim girl.
This way, according to my opinion, there is no time fixed on the marriage, and so it cannot be associated with the Haraam "fixed marriage" or "temporary marriage."
What if the marriage has the following conditions:
That I would divorce her:
a) on the day I marry the Muslim girl, or
b) she will be free to ask me to divorce her whenever she likes, and we can arrange a divorce date only after her request.
Would the above 2 conditions be valid?According to the above 2 conditions, there is no "fixed date" when I would divorce her, and so I think this cannot be counted as "marriage for a fixed period."
I understand that this marriage is based on "conditions" that:
We will be married to each other unless one of us wants to break the marriage, or
I find another bride, or
She wants a divorce because she wants to find another husband.
But these "conditions" do not "fix a time period of the marriage." We are not "fixing" a date when I will divorce her to marry another or when I will divorce her for her to marry another.
What conditions must be met for the marriage to be Islamically valid?Do any of the above conditions fall into the Islamic marriage conditions?What if I have friends and relatives who are in the same bad position as me but they could not resist the temptation and have fallen into the trap of Shaitaan? Can they likewise marry their partners with whom they are fornicating? This way, according to my opinion, at least they save themselves from fornication.
Please reply soon. PS – Please forward this message to all the Muftis and Islamic advisors you know and kindly ask them to reply ASAP because the sooner this problem is solved, the better. I want to save those who are already involved in this trap of Shaitaan and I want to help those who are likely to fall in soon. So, please give all the help you can according to Sunni Fatwaa.Assalamualaikum Wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatuhu
Answer 1
Question 2
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhI want to know about the conditions for the marriage in Islam, to know if its allowed to marry in secret (I mean, if just the bride and the groom and the witnesses knows about it) and if the parents of the woman don’t know about the marriage, is a marriage like this valid? And what about getting married and living in separate houses and nobody knowing they are married, is this allowed in Islam? And the last is I want to know what Islam says about temporary marriages?
Jazak Allahu Khairan
Answer 2
Question 3
What is the Shari ruling on temporary marriage (Mutah)? Is it allowed or forbidden in Islam?
Answer 3
Question 4
Is temporary marriage permissible in Islam?
Answer 4
Question 5
Is it permissible to have two separate marriage ceremonies, one for Islam and one for Christianity, and how can you get to know a potential spouse if free contact between the sexes is not allowed in Islam? Also, does this lead to arranged marriages where the parents pick the bride without the individual's will?
Answer 5
Question 6
Assalamualaikumwarahmatullahiwabarakatuh,When I was young, around 13, I talked to a boy online for a few months. It was just a phase, and no one knew except two of my friends. I never met him in real life, and nothing inappropriate happened, alhamdulillah. Now, at 20, if my future spouse asks if I've been in a relationship before, would I be lying if I said no? I never physically interacted with the boy, and I became more practicing after that age. I feel upset about my past mistake but don’t want to lie. How should I answer without misrepresenting myself?
Answer 6
Question 7
What is our response to the person who argues for the permissibility of temporary marriage based on the fact that some eminent Companions allowed it?
Answer 7
Question 8
If two individuals want to get married (either due to personal or family reasons) and they both have a long-term intention of getting divorced, is that marriage valid?
Answer 8
Question 9
A girl in my family is marrying an Ismaili man, specifically an Aga Khani. Some believe that he is secretly a Sunni because he prays like a Sunni and his family claims to believe in Tauheed, Khatam-al-Nabuwah, and the Quran. Prince Karim Aga Khan has allowed his followers to attend Sunni Masjid for prayers and read the Quran. The groom calls himself a Muslim and an Aga Khani. Is this marriage halal? Should we attend the wedding? Some family members think breaking ties with the couple would push them further from the right path, so what should we do in this situation? Are there examples from the Sahaba or other great Muslims on how to handle similar situations?
Answer 9
Question 10
Aslam o Alaikum. I want to ask about MUTA (contractual marriage) and if it is valid in Islam. If it is valid, what are the conditions for such a marriage? Can MUTA later become a permanent documented marriage? I am in love with a girl who works with me. She is living alone in a city far from her family and has many problems. I have bought a house, and we are living together. I proposed to her, and she is willing, but her family refuses because they are delaying the marriage for financial reasons. There is a high chance they will approve the marriage in the future, but I don't know when. Meanwhile, I can't leave her alone due to her issues. Is there any solution for us to perform a temporary nikah, and then later, once her family agrees, perform a documented nikah?
Answer 10